Tag Archives: brotherhood

A Moment To Reflect…

The child's tears are still wet even after death...
The child’s tears are still wet even after death…

I came by this photo some days ago…

None of us would want to see our children or the children of our relatives, friends and neighbours in this condition.

I ask, not to look at the religion or the race or the language, but to only look at the children and the families torn apart.

This child was crying when death came. Tears are still wet and haven’t even left the eyes yet.

On the Day of Judgement, these people will rise up and blame us in front of the Lord that we hadn’t even come to their help when they were begging for mercy and they were in pain…

Take the time out of your daily routine, regardless if you are studying SAT, doing PhD, working in the office, feeding the kids, and pray for them. Pray to Allah to help them.

They scream for help and in pain, but our walls and minds are too thick to hear them when we sleep at night…

Our grief is so little in comparison to theirs. Ya Allah!

Just a moment everyday to pray and reflect… We owe them that much at the very least.

No one was there to wipe the child’s tears away and say it will be alright… No one was there to comfort the child through suffering and pain…