Tag Archives: Admin

The Little Something For The World

“Time. It passes on so fast.”

Ever wondered while getting on your Facebook newsfeed of making some sort of a difference? You would probably laugh at the jokes, at the memes, and comment on a picture here and there. But at the end of it all (two hours or three?), you wonder if you could make a difference.

The world revolves and we are revolve with it, but the idea of bettering someone else’s life would be forever stuck in some part  of your brain.

For me it started out from the little things. If I asked someone to come over for some lecture or read a verse with me, the answer would be ‘there is no time’.


It passes on so fast. It seemed like only yesterday while in fact years have passed by. The days are brief and the time is even briefer, but if it is full of blessings, it elongates and you feel like you have all the time in the world.

Coupled with the longing of time, as well as wanting to make a difference, I found myself staring at the Islamic books decorating my bookshelf. I loved books; I was never ashamed of admitting it. And I certainly loved the books on Islam because of the beauty in them. History was always something I loved to delve in and you find out such interesting things about the lives of the Companions. Whenever you read about them, your heart just fills up with more love as you go through every trip or fall they faced, their weakness becoming their reasons of strength. And even if sitting around and reading jokes had its charm, nothing compares when you are out there gathering knowledge.


It was how I started the blog; first in the remembrance of my dear late father who gave me all the encouragements I needed and left behind a legacy. So I touched the books and started to read them, benefiting from them. And then I would blog them, praying at the same time to change myself as well as others for the better.

So that is the idea. You need a spark; something to change the world. Sit down with someone or speak in the lull of a conversation, and tell them an authentic Hadith or give them a Qur’anic verse.

Head Admin Blooper

Assalam o alaikum. This is Head Admin.

Funny things behind the scenes; remembering just enough to ask an Admin to take over and write down coming article but forgetful enough to not review, edit and post the article. Hence, no weekly post of last weekend. :D

Updates will resume this weekend, at Friday in shaa Allah.

New Series…And apologies!

Assalam o Alaikum, our brothers and sisters.

We hoping you are enjoying this blessed month of Ramadan and reaping its benefits. We would like to extend our apologies for our absence. A busy life is hard to manage, SubhanAllah. We are not missing in action, alhumdulilah, as those following our Facebook page would very well know. We will return to our normal schedule this weekend inshaAllah!

With regards to our new series… well, coffee goes with a lot of things from muffins and biscuits to cinnamon rolls and brownies. As such, we would like to add two more series with our ongoing ones inshaAllah.

  • The first one is on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), inshaAllah. We were not planning on this one, since we felt his story is well-known until we came to the conclusion that it is NOT as well-known as we had initially thought. Born Muslims need to revise their facts, new Muslims to learn more about their Prophet, and non-Muslims to be informed. We would be covering important events, the details of which we have just started to sketch out. And we will be using authentic source inshaAllah.
  • The second is a bit of a blur. It will either be on the stories of the Prophets or on the Day of Judgement, depending first on what the readers would like to see and also whether we gather enough authentic material in time.

So that is the new update. Do inform us which is the second series you would like to see. We will try to provide the respective one inshaAllah, if time and our abilities is with us.

As regards to Ramadan, we have launched Ramadan tips, supplications, Ahadith regarding Ramadan and some such on our Facebook page. If you wish to stay tuned, do visit it. :)

And for this weekend, coming soon…

Notable Women in Islam

Kindly Note: Comments are being monitored. We do not entertain any form of violence or remark that may lead to debates, arguments etc. JazakAllahu Khairun for your support.

Sincerest Apologies…

Sincerest apologies on  that lateness of this week’s (previous week’s) post. Life is busy and time must be taken out not only to give material but also material with quality. All thanks to the readers for their patience.

Sources for the Prophet’s Companions (and others)

Now there is one thing we forgot to mention.

All our articles are either taken from books, notes from lectures, workshops etc.

For example, the current series of the Prophet’s Companions is taken from 2-3 books that are combined together and given more sequence for easier reading.

Some other articles are either based on personal experiences of the Admin or some relatable stories.